Archive sale
Romance Parisian feelings in spring vintage dress
Sequins in Italia rosa bella vintage sequins dress
Dream with me timeless suede 70s vintage jacket
A silk fairytale in the 1920s handmade Parisian vintage dress
Strawberry fields bohemian 70’s handmade vintage embroidered dress
Magical dream night in the 20s feather vintage dress
The Golden sequins chic era handmade 20s vintage dress
Salt island Josey handmade stripped spring coat
Velvet purple dream Afghan cotton hand-embroidered vintage waistcoat
Velvet midnight blue maxi vintage dress with a split
Living on the vintage wild side suede blouse
Handmade ruffled pure elegance vintage dress
Sunshine lovers vintage romantic silk blazer blouse
Mohair lilac handmade vintage Parisienne style inspired blazer
Brighter then the stars l’amour soft rouge vintage blazer