Candy hand-knitted Parisian wool cardigan


This Sweet Like Candy Hand-knit Parisian Wool Cardigan is the perfect knit to add to your wardrobe. This vintage cardigan in a sweet baby pink shade is hand-made with lots of love and care. The oversized fit of the sleeves add volume and provide you with comfort throughout your day. This wool cardigan will definitely keep you warm and stylish with its unique hand-knitted design. Pair it with your favorite jeans or an elegant slip dress, add a pair of sparkly boots and your outfit is ready! This gem can be worn oversized by sizes 34/36 and more fitted by sizes 38. Our model is a size 36. Just like all our vintage treasures, this wool cardigan is steamed and dry-cleaned, especially for you.

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baby pink

Country of origin



Mohair, Wool


(36 oversized), 34 (oversized), 38